Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Year!


Happy Leap Year Everyone!



  1. Hi Dolphin! Mister here. I think glados135 should be a party of that poll--> She really deserves it and is amazingly nice. :)


  2. I will put you both on the poll for next months, i was in a hurry to think of users, then when i posted it, i was like, "Oh shoot! I forgot mister and glados! >.<"
    Like, No seriously, i did say that to myself XD


  3. Lol, why thank you. I need to find out how to make that <---- B picture a pic of me >.< lol. SYIJ

  4. Oh all you do is,
    Click on "Edit Profile"
    Then you will see a spot to upload a picture,
    Then upload the one you like ^^
    Hope I helped!

    ~Dg <-- Dont forget xD

  5. LOL Sorrwyy! And thnx I'll try out!


  6. Hello I wanted to say that ejaecourts should be on the poll for buddy of the month. Whenever I'm sad she makes me happy. Also she has a blog of her own that you might want to go on. The URL is


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